
This is a stock photo. Mishkenot Sha'ananim is the first Jewish neighborhood build outside of the city walls of Jerusalem. This is a stock photo. Mishkenot Sha'ananim is the first Jewish neighborhood build outside of the city walls of Jerusalem.
Mishkenot Sha'ananim - This was the first Jewish neighborhood build outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem, on a hill directly across from Mount Zion.
A cognate is a group of at least three courses, for at least nine credit hours, that share a theme or focus determined by the faculty. A cognate may center on a discipline, a problem, a topic, a region, a method, a time period, another language, or an experience abroad, among many other possibilities. Each cognate has course options that provide flexibility to complete it. Please visit the Cognate Search Engine for more information.


Courses in the Judaic Studies curriculum may also satisfy the following cognates.

Arts & Humanities People & Society STEM
Judaism, Christianity, Islam Study of Aspects of the Holocaust
Studies of Modern Day Israel
The Evolution of Jewish People in Their Homeland and the Diaspora
